Portfolio Snapshot

A photo of a booth display at an arts and crafts event. The table haas a black tablecloth with a runner hanging off the table in the middle with GingeryArtistry business information. The top of the table has a card display rack, framed prints hanging on a grid wall behind it, a small tiered display of paintings and cap toppers in the middle, and a spinning yellow and black sticker display on the end covered in various sticker designs.

Basic Information

Name: Jannah (or Plex)
Business name: GingeryArtistry
Location: PNW
Art style: illustrative, self-taught.
Current medium: Digital (Procreate), acrylic paint, pencils, pens
Products: Stickers, communication cards, prints, enamel pins, greeting cards, doodles, paintings, labels, painted ornaments (seasonal).
Themes: Mental health & self-care/advocacy, opossums and other animals, literacy, various fandoms, LGBTQIAP+, humor and sometimes goofy or weird jokes.
Price range: low (most products are $10 or less)

Product Samples

A close-up photo of a tiered display of stickers featuring opossums modeling therapy skills.

(Photo by AnnaMaria Jackson-Phelps)

A stack of greeting cards featuring Star Trek characters. The top card has a portrait of Miles O'Brien framed with the quote "He was more than a hero / he was a Union Man."

Greeting Cards

A purple keyring holding a stack of laminated flashcards featuring raccoons expressing different feelings. The description of each feeling is printed underneath the illustration. The card on the top features a drawing of a smiling raccoon with the caption "Happy" underneath.

Communication Cards

A photo of three enamel pins sitting on a grey background: a grey fluffly cat with pierced ears and cat-eye glasses reading a red book with a mouse and paw print on the covers, an opossum wearing a cape in Philadelphia Pride Flag stripes, and a raccoon with its eyes closed and a serene expression on its face as it holds a bouquet of lavender sprigs, flanked by amethyst crystals as music notes and the words "Self Soothe" float around it.

Enamel Pins

Prints (framed or sleeved)

A photo of a painting showing part of a smiling brown furry creature with long ears and a flower crown, inspired by the Pokemon Eevee. The background of the painting is green with white polka dots.


A sticker of a frog with its eyes closed and a sparkling progress flag flying out behind it, tied in a knot around its neck.


A sticker of an opposum standing on its hind feet and tail raised behind it, wearing a green cardigan, glasses with a chain, and holding a book. The lettering to the right of the opossum says "of course audiobooks & graphic novels count as reading."

Reading & Literacy!

Sticker of a man inspired by Bob from Bob's Burgers with a long caption of "ooooooooh no" running behind his head. The lettering has a squiggly yellow line behind it to look like a trail of squeezed mustard.


An illustration of an opossum with a distressed, open-mouth expression. Behind it there is a 4-part grid: the top left is green with the caption "hungry?", the top right is red with "angry?", the bottom left is blue and says "lonely?" and the bottom right is purple and says "tired?"

Mental Health!